Welcome to My Blog
I will post comments and happenings that involve my books and Ngäbe events plus other pertinent materials. See NGÄBE SOCIAL TIDBITS on my website. Check out my books on Amazon.com, CHALINA LA CERDITA CUENTA HASTA DIEZ EN NGABERE , BELLA & CHANTEY MAMA WANTS A BLUE MUSHROOM, BELLA & CHANTEY COLORING AND ACTIVITY BOOK-RAINFOREST ANIMALS, A COLORING BOOK ABOUT THE NGÄBE PEOPLE, and BEYOND THE YELLOW DOOR.I have just published NITE NITE, PUPPIES, a toddler book for 1-3 year olds in September, 2023.
Toddler Book Available
Nite Nite, Puppies Toddler Book available My new toddler book is now [Read More]
Toddler book
Griffin will be on my cover! New toddler book Toddler book in the making. I have been busy working on a toddler book per request from some ex-pat grandmoms. It will [Read More]
Beyond the YELLOW DOOR Reviews I have started to receive reviews for my new book, Beyond the Yellow Door. I have the book in paperback and e-book. So far, so good. I have [Read More]
Beyond the YELLOW DOOR
Beyond the Yellow Door Beyond the YELLOW DOOR The photo above shows the three girls the book is dedicated to, with their Mom excitedly looking at it. My [Read More]
New Book Published
What's Beyond the YELLOW DOOR? New explorations New Book Published involves a young British Guyana girl who visits her aunt and uncle in the country. She has never been to the countryside before [Read More]
Update on my new book
Title page for update on my new book-preview UPDATE ON MY NEW BOOK BEYOND THE YELLOW DOOR I will have my new book completed soon. Currently, I have the Spanish translation to [Read More]
NGÄBE Coloring Book
Ngabe Coloring Book Ngäbe children dancing Baby Carrier KRA NGÄBE Coloring Book Available. I finally published my new [Read More]
Ngäbe coloring /activity book
Ngäbe coloring book Ngäbe coloring /activity book Ngäbe coloring/activity book Hello! I am completing my new Ngäbe coloring /activity book within a week hopefully. It will contain excepts from three languages, English, [Read More]
New coloring book
NEW COLORING BOOK My coloring book is now published on Amazon. Bella & Chantey coloring and activity book , Rainforest Animals, contains eight coloring pages from my picture book Bella & Chantey Mama [Read More]
New Coloring book
New coloring book Rainforest Animals New coloring book Rainforest Animals is to be published in about two weeks approximately. Rainforest Animals has eight coloring pictures from my first picture book Bella & [Read More]
Upcoming Author’s Page
Author presentation at the Boquete Library Fair June 23rd,2022, of Bella & Chantey Upcoming author's page. I will be adding an upcoming Author's Page in place of one of my website pages. Since I now [Read More]
First review
First review of Bella & Chantey First review of my book Bella & Chantey. I received the first review of my new book on Amazon. The review is a verified bought [Read More]