Beyond the YELLOW DOOR
I have started to receive reviews for my new book, Beyond the Yellow Door. I have the book in paperback and e-book. So far, so good. I have my first review from Reader’s Favorite. I am so pleased.
It gives a thorough summary of the aspects of the book. I have an incentive to carry on! Check out my book on Authors Page.
I got 5 on the marketability for children. To say that thrilled me is an understatement. It is how effective you are for your target audience. I always hope I am targeting correctly, and the review gives me confidence in my writing for that age group.
I also received a 5 for appearance. Consequently, this kudos goes to my incredible illustrator Cesar Melendez. He is patient and a great person to work with on the pictures and book cover. Luckily, we think alike in many instances, which helps develop the book.
The illustrations are a significant part of the children’s picture book, and if the pictures do not relate to the story, it can be a disaster. I have seen poor illustrations, which ruined the story for the author, who had a great theme.
I received a 4 for plot. Of course, I immediately researched if that meant good or bad! It’s good! Besides, the tone and theme must be consistent throughout the book, and the plot has to be original or unique in its telling or viewpoint. Yay! I’ll take a four.
This aspect of critiquing refers to how well you tell your story. Furthermore, how you present your story and how your flow goes(smoothly, I hope) helps the reader comprehend the story and like it. The story has to be entertaining and enjoyable. A 4 for development
Lastly is formatting, the little gremlin we often struggle with. Grammar, grammar, grammar. Thank heavens for Grammarly! In addition to typos and downright mistakes in words, we must describe scenes or not, with children’s books, that’s for the illustrator. We can give our input.
Also, dialogue and point of view are included in the formatting. Yay for formatting also. I am pleased to receive such an in-depth review covering all aspects of the book to give a complete picture of my work.
Beyond the YELLOW DOOR is available on Amazon and Bookshop.org.