Ngäbe coloring book

Ngäbe coloring book


Ngäbe coloring /activity book

Ngäbe coloring/activity book

Hello! I am completing my new Ngäbe coloring /activity book within a week hopefully. It will contain excepts from three languages, English, Spanish, and Ngäbe. Moreover, the coloring pages cover how the Ngäbes live on the Comarca in Panama, Central America. In addition, the Buglé Indians also live on the Comarca, they are a smaller tribe, but I did not use their language in the coloring book.  Consequently, the Buglés have their own language according to my Ngäbe translator. Check out my page on Ngäbe Nation.


Title of the Ngäbe coloring/activity book.

None the less, the book will include both tribes, but only Ngäbe language will be inside the coloring book. Besides, I have no idea what the Buglé language looks like yet.

However, I hope to find out if the Ngäbe teacher knows Buglé also. She is well versed with her own language. As an aside, the above photo is not the completed cover, just an idea for people to see.


Portrayal of some life insights on the Comarca 

Most of the coloring pages involve my own photos from the Comarca. The illustrator did his magic with interpreting what I wanted portrayed.

My husband and I work with the Ngäbes on the Comarca and I have plenty of pictures. We have many Ngäbe friends. I have another coloring book with Rainforest Animals Amazon


Ngäbe coloring/activity book and water

As soon as the roads are dry and passable, we will begin preparing to drill a water well at Chorcha on the Comarca. I have included some photos of horses carrying water and a Panamanian man who uses divining tools to find water. The practice is called witching and is scientifically based. His success rate is high, in the nineties.

At the present time, the people are collecting rainwater and storing it in a large water tank. They add a diluted bleach solution to kill bacteria. The people are excited for a water well and good drinking water. Ngäbes previously had to walk about one hour to get water to drink until we repaired the water line from way up the hill.