New update on new book
New update on new book
The update on my new book involved a trip to the States in April to clean and pack to get ready to sell our cottage. I had hoped to do some work on the book to make it ready for publishing. We had a few glitches, then my illustrator was ill and we had to postpone the new book for a few weeks. I put it on the back burner while I busied myself with cleaning and packing.
Braving the weather
The weather was indeed cold in the States. We had snow a few times and I couldn’t keep warm. I was lamenting that I couldn’t get my new book Bella & Chantey ready for publication, but I was extremely busy with visiting friends and relatives among the cleaning and packing! It seemed like such a short trip. Now we must recuperate.
Returning to Panama and update
Upon returning to Panama, I discovered that my illustrator was feeling better and had worked on the problem. So, the new update is that the book was uploaded again and hopefully will go through this time. Consequently, we are keeping our fingers crossed and praying for positive results. See My Blog.
Awaiting word
I work with the editor Pat Alvarado of Piggy Press.com.
We are awaiting the results with bated breath. Sometimes formats don’t quite fit and adjustments have to be made. We have been working hard on that aspect of updating the book to correct dimensions. There is quite a lot of knowledge going into the publishing of a book and the specs have to be correct. I have learned a lot from working with illustrators and editors, but there is much more to learn. Especially, if you want a good, professional book produced, the basics have to be correct.