“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word”

Margaret  Atwood


Jane E. Ruth, children’s author

After retiring from a forty-eight-year nursing career, I live in Boquete, Panama. MY STORY now is that I am a children’s writer or author. I take writing classes online and have written 4 picture books and two coloring books. Therefore, I am in the process, and my motto is “Have no fear of perfection-you’ll never reach it,” Salvador Dali.That sentence helps when I become too worried about getting everything “right” before I go on and finish a book.

Another quote I like is, “To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself” Anne Rice  GSC. However, my motto does not mean that I don’t strive for excellence.


Meanwhile, my husband and I have Cleft of the Rock Ministries and work mainly with the Ngäbe-Buglé people. We support three feeding programs with afterschool programs at present. A feeding program only in the Oma community is another endeavor we help to provide.

Chorcha completion

The children’s feeding shelter in Chorcha is completed. There is also a greenhouse next to the shelter. We are involved with that project with Proeducann. Proeducann is a new Ngäbe organization whose founders are excited about helping their people. Furthermore, we have started a  program to aid the orphaned children in Chorcha. Check out my Ngäbe Social Tidbits page for continued updates on happenings of the Ngäbe Nation.

In February the well had been dug and this past week in March, we were there to see the first blast of water coming through the pipe. The laying of water pipes, and digging the trenches for them, took some time. The Ngäbes were excited! God is good.


As you can see, the Ngäbe people are close to my heart, and we want to encourage them to be all they can be. Education is so important. We helped one Ngäbe to attend Oteima University, and he graduated in the fall of 2020. At present 2022, we are helping another Ngäbe to attend Oteima. The lad is a hard worker, dependable and responsible. I love to see good things happen for people in this world. He makes good grades also.

Nite Nite, Puppies
Ngabe Coloring Book

Beyond the YELLOW DOOR 2023

Mom’s Choice Award Gold Seal 2024

activity collection

Here are my current books. I am working on another toddler book Nite Nite, Kitty Cats hopefully by April 2024. I am also revising and editing my chapter book Double trouble on the Comarca, and retelling a Ngäbe tale at the present time.

Here is a photo of my free reader magnet, Jane E. Ruth’s Collection Activity Book, to sign up for my email mailing list. It is a 28 page activity book with a few coloring pages included. I also give small freebies in my newsletter mailing list from time to time.To sign up, there is a pop-up that appears or you can go to my landing page Jane’s Writing & Mission Adventures and halfway down the page is a button to click on to sign up.


In conclusion, to MY STORY, I am working on a chapter book about Ngäbe children on the comarca and some Ngäbe picture books.I have some stories from the Comarca never published-passed down verbally mostly and everyone  contributes!

WRITING MORE BOOKS Furthermore, writing some more books for the Ngäbe children about the Comarca is a continuing dream. I also am writing books for 1-3 year old’s. Grandmothers who stopped by my bookstand at the Market wanted some books for that age group. I have Nite Nite, Puppies printed now.


 CBI Badge

CBI Badge

Additionally, the groups I belong to are SCBWI,   Children’s Book Insider, ALLI, and ibpa. I also belong to some writing groups on the internet.  

IPBA proud member