Book at The Garden Restaurant.

My book CHALINA LA CERDITA CUENTA HASTA DIEZ EN NGÄBERE is available at The Garden Restaurant and Country Store in Alto Boquete. My thanks to the owners for letting me have my book there. The cost is $8.00, it is a bilingual Spanish-Ngäbe counting book for young children . The illustrations are superb- Vanessa Crooks, from PTY drew them and they are lovely. There is also information and photos of Ngãbes in the back matter. See My BlogSCBWI BookSpot- My Blog.

Marketing book at BCP  and The Garden Restaurant

In addition, I also have a table at the BCP on Tuesday mornings in the large building near the fairgrounds 9 am to 11:30-noon. Stop by and chat. I am also selling books for Pat Alvarado. Her books are bilingual also. They are usually Spanish and English languages. She also has a Chinese book bilingual translation. Pat’s websitehttps: 

Book at mall

  Marketing the book Chalina at the Federal Mall, David in August,2021.


She has some new titles out this year. Pat is such a prolific writer! 

Books and Marketing

All authors have to do marketing! It is quite the undertaking. Learning to write a book is very labor intensive, especially children’s books. It is no small feat to get the whole story with plot, beginning, middle, and end into a miniscule story. Moreover, you have to push your character through a growth cycle in 500 words! Plus ,you must be leaving room for the illustrator to shine- after all they illustrate half the book .A good illustrator is worth their weight in gold is true.

Many people stop at my table and discuss how they like the bilingual books because the books have two languages and it is simply done which helps to learn another language. Bilingual books cost more than regular books of one language because a lot of work goes into two languages and ensuring they say the same thing.

Again, stop by my table and chat Tuesday mornings. And, buy some books for the youngins! Christmas is coming!